Date of Completion: July 2018
This is one of my earliest projects and my first time trying animation in after effects. I created the music first and wanted to create something visual to accompany the music.
Programs Used: After Effects
For this project I was responsible for the animation and music.
I lost my data in 2020 sadly. This project is included in that. What I can present is what I did have on other drives/online.
I cut the character up into layers to be animated in after effects. The hair was the most challenging as it was made up of 20 or so layers that I chained together and animated by hand.
I animated glow effects on the first background to give a bright daylight feeling. I used a bright 3D light to create the sun and after effects built in lens flare tool to help sell the effect.
Next, for the night scene I cut out all of the separate buildings so I could layer the scene in 3D. I cut out all the lanterns and animated them to glow with individual timings. Finally I animated fireworks to explode in time with the music using a plugin called Particular.